Why do you think drama is an effective way to be educated?

The active participation required in a drama lesson involves not only the intellect but also students’ imagination, curiosity and emotions. Drama is perfect for teaching students with differing learning styles as well as levels. It can make you feel you belong to a family. So, drama, done properly, gives students a space to celebrate their difference, a space where they are accepted, a space where they want to learn.

Are your student workshops on the themes of growing up such as bullying, trust, conflict, happiness, love, intolerance and sexism, not too emotionally challenging for young students?

From personal experience, students need a safe environment in which to explore the themes that occupy and shape their everyday lives. The feedback we have received has been overwhelmingly positive. Some teachers have even noticed an improvement in behaviour and motivation.

Why do you say schools often fail to produce selfless and charismatic individuals?

The education system, perhaps necessarily, is built on testing and cerebral learning. This means we spend so little time on synchronising the hopes and aspirations of children with the importance of education. All this leaves children disconnected and lacking the enthusiasm to find out they matter.

Can we have a series of workshops for students on one aspect such as Pronunciation or Tolerance, for example?

Yes. The list of workshops provided are not single workshops but ideally a series on that particular aspect of English or theme.