English like any other language is there for one reason alone … to connect. Communication and relationships are the heartbeat of every company, if not of everything we do. Success depends entirely on our ability to engage with each other and the wider world of our customers. And the greatest benefit of meaningful interaction is that it makes your company a more enjoyable place to work.
Let us meet you and do a professional in-depth analysis of your specific needs and create tailor-made workshops that will help us dynamise the English of your employees.
We offer condensed versions of all the workshops below for you to see if you like it.
ALL of our workshops are interactive, in English, kinesthetic, joyful, thought-provoking, imaginative, practical and educational. A2 (pre-intermediate) is the minimum level.
Put more faith in your voice, language and body when addressing an audience. We are over-dependent on technology and tend to hide behind devices and get them to do our work for us. But where is the charisma in that? In this series you learn that it is a strong voice, your choice of words and how you use the stage that will make you sound more persuasive.
In our preoccupation with being grammatically correct we often forget to engage the rest of our body with what we are trying to say. Yet our body language plays a huge role in connecting with colleagues and clients. Through fun physical activities, we begin to see how the world actually receives us and how we can learn to change. Once we overcome the fear of making mistakes, to say more with fewer words and get our body to open up and be part of the message, we find that our English and confidence improve dramatically.
These physical workshops will share techniques that challenge the common misconception that it is too late for us to improve our pronunciation. So much of our learning takes place in our head and so little of it sticks. We forget voice and pronunciation respect physical not intellectual rules. Here we share activities that show speakers how sounds are made, and how the voice is preserved and strengthened. You learn how to speak with more clarity and power.
Make your work and life purposeful. We give up our dreams all too easily, all too soon. We also lose motivation at work because we have lost sight of what would make us happy. These workshops apply techniques that realign our inner motivation with our work. Once we know where we are going, we know how best to do it. A happy worker is a productive worker.
Make your language more powerful and spark a new love of words. A lot of us use or learn English out of necessity. The result is that we do or say just enough to get what we need. This makes our English rather dry and unengaging. But if we could just take a little more time to choose a more precise word or a more imaginative phrase, we would have a much greater impact on our audience.
You cannot shake hands with a clenched fist. Discover empathetic ways of resolving conflict in the workplace. A team that doesn’t trust each other, doesn’t work well together. Allowing people to explore conflict through drama techniques provides a safe environment to shed light on disagreement, distrust and bullying. These workshops safely encourage people to see themselves more objectively and suggest ways to change in order to create a happier working environment.
From the moment we are born we are told stories. It is no surprise then that we build our meaningful relationships around them. In business, the art of telling a good story is largely overlooked. This series shares storytelling techniques, both physical and linguistic, that will make a company’s product feel more attractive and necessary to a customer. This is not done through insincerity or manipulation, but through exploring the deeper benefits of a product that speak more directly to the heart and stir the emotions.
When you throw your head back in laughter, you expose your neck. Vulnerability, trust and pleasure in one movement. It is an exhilarating, shared moment. We know humour disarms people. We know making people laugh gives us confidence. Yet we use it so little in our public life. Through liberating drama activities, we learn how to use humour to connect more meaningfully in our work and play.
Speaking in front of a camera is very different to speaking in front of people. Eye movement, direction of gaze, clothing, movement and facial expressions are under greater scrutiny in front of a camera. Through fun practical activities, we look at these factors and also at ways of controlling the ‘conversation’ through staying on message and learning to speak succinctly and clearly as well using your body wisely. The ultimate aim is to get the participants to captivate the camera.
Divisive workplaces and the ill-treatment of others thrive in a vacuum of trust. Here we explore ideas of respect and equality. We all need to do more to build trust between colleagues. Productivity depends on trust. Very few of companies grow without it. These activities will give employers and employees the confidence to confront division inclusively and devise pragmatic ways of encouraging respect.
Communication can take many forms, be it email, texting, blogging, speaking, video, telephoning, signage, advertising, publicity or others. All of these require good writing skills. We need to know how to organise our content with clarity. Decisive writing inspires decisive action. Good writing is more than logic though. It also must touch the reader, listener or viewer emotionally. Otherwise, it won’t connect or lead to the behaviour you are seeking to create. Through fun inspiring activities, you will learn effective techniques that will take your writing communication to a whole new level.